What do you believe in? What motivates your human rights activism?
Our beliefs drive our action, keep the flame lit,
and bring us together as activists.
I believe in human dignity. What do you believe in?
As part of this exciting conference, we are asking our members to tell us what they believe in. Many of your answers to this question will be posted on our website, included in conference materials, and featured in a multimedia display at the conference. Post your answers here or send them to knilsson@aiusa.org. Call 202.544.0200 ext. 245 for more information.
i believe that the work we do makes a difference. i know that to be true.
I believe in Justice
Social Justice
I believe in the triumph of
Rights over Injustices
Of Freedom over Tyranny
I believe in the innate
Goodness of the human spirit
I believe in Popular Resistance
I believe in the power
The comes from the collective struggle
Of the people of good will
To bring about
Positive social change
And remake our world...
-Excerpted from response from Folabi Olagbaju, Director of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Office
I believe that activists can make a difference and I've seen that difference happen! We can lobby, we can speak, we can shout our opinions at the top of our lungs. We can discuss, we can debate, we can argue and we can persuade!
I believe in the need for independent media (three cheers for Amy Goodman!). Without access to information, we will never be able to fight for human and civil rights.
I believe in knowing something is wrong and actually doing something about it!
I believe that Amnesty International's members have an immeasurable impact on this world. I believe that without our work, the bad news would be significantly worse. I believe that we are fighting a winning battle and I believe that one day we will win human rights for all.
We believe in Area Coordinators (AC) working together!
I believe in powerful, possitive people lending everything they have to help those without a voice.
I believe in truth. that ever-changing glimpse of reality that we all know and can respond to. in a world filled with so many powerful lies, truth must be protected, expressed and made visible. i also beleive that AI and many others are making truth more visible every day.
in the darkest night, light shines the most bright. perhaps some day [soon?] truth will reach a "critical mass" and have more influence than money and violence.
and a new world based on dignity and truth will emerge. it would be a hell of a lot easier to deal with than all this bull shit. and a lot more fun.
this social darwinism has got to end. the lives of the most vulnerable and beseiged needs to be the bottom line, not profits of the extremely well-off.
I believe that every child should, regardless of whether they were born into privilege or not, have the opportunity for a healthy life.
I believe that every woman should, regardless of her social standing, have the ability to become empowered.
I believe that every human has a choice. That choice, is to make a difference in the world around him.
I believe in spirituality without religious dogma, and that my personal spirituality is most fully expressed in human rights activism.
I believe that the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Humanist Manifesto are some of the most profound expressions of the human spirit to date.
I believe that Homo sapiens is still evolving, and that the next big step for our species will be a widespread awakening to our interconnectedness with each other, with other species, and with the earth.
I believe if we don't speak up for human rights, we are just as guilty as the violators.
Every human being has the right to be treated with respect.
do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
I believe in the right of all human beings to live free and prosperous without the fear of oppression, torture, violence, indignities, and terror. Children should grow up with hope and not fear and hatred, which in turn creates more fear and hatred.
“I believe our national security begins with policies that demonstrate our respect for human rights.”
I believe in the right of every man and woman on this planet to exercise the inalienable rights enshrined in the Universal declaration of human rights of the United nations, whoever they are, wherever they are, and whatever they are doing and believe in.
I believe that my wife is committed to her work and I am very proud of what she does.
I believe in freedom and fresh water,good food and a place to sleep,
I also believe in the rights of the individual child to be educated and to be fed and loved and to be cared for,I believe in Amnesty International and it's worth while objectives and it's partnership with the peoples of the world,to bring understanding to those who are not allowed to understand in the welfare of others ,I believe in the natural ability to give praise to those who help others.
I believe that global respect and protection of all the fundamental human rights and freedoms enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the basis of true peace for all peoples of the world.
I belief that all human kinds are elements of a super body, and everyman has a responsibility to protect and defend the rights of all others from abuse.
I look forward to the day when all the people unite under one banner of peace and love around the world and the 10 countries who are allowed weapons of mass destruction are petitioned by the people for the destruction of all nuclear weapons of mass destruction for the betterment of mankind.
I would also like to see more in the way of getting fresh water to all who have none in Africa.
I believe in compassion, honesty, love, and the individual as a catalyst for change.
I believe in a human rights education. Educating ourselves and others about vital human rights issues is the best hope we have for securing our future in a safe, just, and peaceful world. I believe that human rights education in our classrooms will ignite passion, invoke action, advance reconciliation, and defy injustice. And I sincerely believe in the capacity of our students to improve our world.
I believe in universal opportunity
I believe that we are all connected, and what happens to one person happens to all of us.
I believe I am incredibly lucky to have the chance to help others, and therefore help myself.
I believe that when people turn a blind eye to state-sanctioned atrocities committed against others, believing themselves to be safe, they prepare the ground for tyranny.
I believe that anybody can take action in support of human rights. Special expertise, titles, nor money are required to fight for what you believe in.
Amnesty has empowered me to speak out on behalf of human rights to others in my community, to leaders in the United States, and around the world.
I believe the only certain happiness in life is to live for others...
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